Boldly guess! After 10 years of Marvel Comics, it will have new super hero?

Home >Entertainment > Boldly guess! After 10 years of Marvel Comics, it will have new super hero?

2018-12-29 13:44:49 Views Tags:Marvel Comics ,  Superhero Movie ,  Avengers 3: Unlimited War ,  Iron Man ,  X-Men ,  The


The release of "Avengers 3: Unlimited Wars" in 2018 provided an audio-visual feast for the journey of the Marvel Superhero movie. It’s been ten years since Marvel faced bankruptcy in 2008 and launched Iron Man 1. It has been 79 years since 1939, when the Marvel universe was invented. In the past 79 years, there have been countless companies that want to become Marvel, but only a very small number have survived, established their own IP, and formed a unique, self-contained, and representative meaning in the whole society. Hero film culture. In the past ten years, Marvel has successively launched films such as Iron Man, X-Men, The Incredible Hulk, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2, Ants, and Dr. Marvel is constantly "digging the pit", the fans are constantly "into the pit", the result is deeper and deeper, until the president of Marvel Film, Kevin Fitch announced that he is building a grand "Marvel movie" The universe, which is currently open, is only the third stage. The next decade is the continued confrontation between Marvel and DC, or will there be new superheroes?

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