Sun Honglei and Xu Zheng starred in the Huang Qi movie but was cut off all the shots. Huang Yiyi sai

Home >Entertainment > Sun Honglei and Xu Zheng starred in the Huang Qi movie but was cut off all the shots. Huang Yiyi sai

2019-01-02 17:13:28 Views Tags:Sun Honglei ,  Xu Zheng ,  He Jiong ,  Huang Wei ,  director of film ,  editing


Huang Lei also told everyone that Sun Honglei had a friendship, but Huang Wei cut all his shots. He Yan heard the surprised Zhang’s mouth. After all, Sun Honglei’s acting skills are not covered. If he participated in the performance, he would definitely increase the box office for Huang’s movie. Didn’t he think it was cut off? Seeing this reaction, Huang Wei smiled and added another sentence: Xu Wei also participated in the show, but also cut! He Xiaoxiao asked: I can ask what is the principle? Huang Wei replied: It is better that he is performing better than the main character. What are you doing with him? Seeing this answer from Huang Wei, the commentary exploded in an instant, and they all said that "Huang Wei's emotional intelligence is really too high! This EQ is really no one! Emotional intelligence can give a perfect score!" After this answer, I started laughing again. Huang Wei continued: "Red Lei and Xu Wei said that they have been cut, too much? I said, you didn't give me money when you came. I didn't give it money without cutting it." What happened?" Everyone heard that Huang Hao was so funny, and couldn't help but burst into laughter. This logic is also 666. This answer is really awkward!

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