Papi sauce caused a hot discussion on the concept of marriage and love: the parents did not meet for five years of marriage.

Home >Entertainment > Papi sauce caused a hot discussion on the concept of marriage and love: the parents did not meet for five years of marriage.



Papi sauce caused a heated discussion on the concept of marriage and love in a variety show. Papi sauce said that although she has been in love with her husband for 10 years and has been married for 5 years, the two of them still have their own families, and they have never seen each other since they fell in love. When talking about mother-in-law relationship, papi sauce said that "mother-in-law wants to treat her daughter-in-law as a daughter, but her daughter-in-law can't take her mother-in-law as a mother", because all her bad emotions will be shown to her mother, and she should be respected by her mother-in-law, so she never calls her mother-in-law, "bad emotions." All are reserved for the noble mother."

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