He Jing's unknown side was uncovered and his image collapsed.

Home >Entertainment > He Jing's unknown side was uncovered and his image collapsed.

2019-06-20 17:05:14 Views Tags:He Jing , the host of Hunan Satellite TV , He Jing , a good man He Jing


Referring to the host of Hunan Satellite TV, we must think of Mr. He Jinghe, because in many people's eyes, He Jing is the "host" of Hunan Satellite TV. Over the years, with the gradual accumulation of popularity, He Jing gave people the impression that he had a high EQ and a deep foundation in hosting. As a host, He Jing is very successful. Although he is only a host, his fame and popularity are not lost to some stars at all. In recent days, He Jing has caused dissatisfaction among his fans by sending a microblog, which has led him to take off a lot of powder. Many netizens also call out "Mr. He, the good man image is gone!"

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