Chen Chusheng's new album "The Tide of Light" was released globally today, and the "Lighting No." MV was launched simultaneously.

Home >Entertainment > Chen Chusheng's new album "The Tide of Light" was released globally today, and the "Lighting No." MV was launched simultaneously.



On June 28th, Chen Chusheng's 2019 new album "The Tide of Light" was released globally. This new personal studio album is his work to show the current outlook on life. He once said that if he had lived for a long time and wanted to sing for 70 years, he left a note on the first music decade with "One Seventh Ideal". As the beginning of the two-seventh music life, "The Tide of Light" evolved from a folk song to a POP with both texture and sung. In the concept of albums and songs, it is to show his meticulous feelings from his own body and reflection.

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