Zheng Yuanchang appeared in the event, the yellow T-shirt outsourcing green plaid tulle, 37-year-old male group fashion?

Home >Entertainment > Zheng Yuanchang appeared in the event, the yellow T-shirt outsourcing green plaid tulle, 37-year-old male group fashion?



Not long after the release of the film version of "Prank Kiss", the original party has revisited the drama version. It is true that Zheng Yuanchang is still the only one in the memory, and it is still a lot of 80s. After the 90s, the goddess in the eyes, once again chasing the drama can still circle the countless girl heart! Although he is now 37 years old, he is like eating preservatives. There is no old sign at all. The clothes are also very online, and there is no loss of fresh meat!

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