It's too difficult to catch up with the stars. TFBOYS concert is suspected of being locked up a lot. Barley responds that fans don't buy the tickets.

Home >Entertainment > It's too difficult to catch up with the stars. TFBOYS concert is suspected of being locked up a lot. Barley responds that fans don't buy the tickets.

2019-07-29 10:43:31 Views Tags:TFBOYS , Sixth Anniversary of TFBOYS , TFBOYS Lock Tickets


TFBOYS's sixth anniversary concert is well known, but fans buy tickets to find that the organizer has a lot of lock tickets, and Junkai also sent a message to the organizer asking for tickets, as well as cattle selling tickets at high prices for the concert, saying that with the consent of the organizer, TFBOYS official response, this ticket is in accordance with the requirements, fans are not satisfied with the official response.

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