Fan Bingbing did not participate in 355 quotation films. Film officials publicly forwarded Fan Bingbing's negative news.

Home >Entertainment > Fan Bingbing did not participate in 355 quotation films. Film officials publicly forwarded Fan Bingbing's negative news.

2019-08-23 11:25:08 Views Tags:Fan Bingbing , Fan Bingbing Storm , Fan Bingbing News


Just last year, Fan Bingbing experienced a well-known storm. In addition to being notified and criticized, he also needed to pay a total of 884 million yuan in fines. It is said that, in terms of volume, the money can fill a 15 square metre room. In terms of face value, 99% of people only have the chance to see it when they go to the grave in the Qingming Dynasty.

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