Wang Yuan, who is not 18 years old, has eight abs, and the fans can't be calmed down.

Home >Entertainment > Wang Yuan, who is not 18 years old, has eight abs, and the fans can't be calmed down.

2019-01-02 17:53:06 Views Tags:Sunburn muscles ,  fans shocked ,  handsome boy ,  not calm friends


Wang Yuan took a photo of the abdominal muscles on the social networking site. In the photo, Wang Yuan exposed 8 packs of abdominal muscles, neatly arranged, and the typical "dressing was thin, undressed and fleshy" good figure! But he is not yet 18 years old, is this really good? The fans saw it shocked. The lovely boy in the impression, who has grown up into a man with abdominal muscles? The comment area has already burst, and there is even a "mother powder" that is not calm.

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