The three frozen goddesses fit together! Carina Lau and Li Ruoqi Zhou Haimei

Home >Entertainment > The three frozen goddesses fit together! Carina Lau and Li Ruoqi Zhou Haimei

2019-02-12 15:48:30 Views Tags:Liu Jialing ,  Li Ruoxuan ,  Zhou Haimei ,  goddess frozen age ,  exquisite makeup


Liu Jialing took a group photo with Wei Ruo and Zhou Haimei and wrote: "I saw two friends who I have not seen in the past 20 years last night. It feels like yesterday. It is amazing!" In the photo, Carina Lau wore a black dress. With a delicate makeup, the skin is white and firm, and the gas field is sufficient. Li Ruoyu wore a white dress with a sling, and the bangs were fashionable and age-reduced, full of girlish style. Zhou Haimei is wearing a long curly hair and wearing a dark blue waist dress, mature and steady, full of elegance. The three goddesses are very eye-catching with the frame.

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