Cecilia Cheungs latest photo of his eldest son is like Nicholas Tse.

Home >Entertainment > Cecilia Cheungs latest photo of his eldest son is like Nicholas Tse.

2019-03-11 17:46:09 Views Tags:Cecilia Cheung ,  the eldest son of Cecilia Cheung ,  Nicholas Tse ,  Lucas


Today, Cecilia Cheung took the latest photo of his eldest son and issued a document saying: "I saw a boy downstairs. It turned out to be my own son. I can’t believe that they are growing faster than the weather, a few inches a day. It’s already higher than me.” Lucas, the eldest son in the photo, sat at the table and played with his mobile phone. He looked tall and tall, and now he has more and more darling of his father, Nicholas Tse!

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