K-Pop Goo Hara remember Sulli before her found death in her home

Home >Entertainment > K-Pop Goo Hara remember Sulli before her found death in her home

2019-11-25 14:40:17 Views Tags:instagram goo hara kara ,  goo hara sulli ,  goo hara cause of death


Goo Hara is Sulli's best friend and she is found death in her home. Not long ago, she once mourned Sulli on the live Instagram. Goo Hara cried in the live broadcast and apologized to Sulli, saying, "Goo Hara will take your hard work and work hard. I am fine. I am a very close sister relationship with Sulli. I want to say goodbye to Sulli. I have a live broadcast, sorry! Please don't worry, Shirley see you again!"

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