If You Are the One: The man lied about a monthly salary of 5,000, and even destroyed 20 lights, and said that the female guest regretted it.

Home >Entertainment > If You Are the One: The man lied about a monthly salary of 5,000, and even destroyed 20 lights, and said that the female guest regretted it.



The male guest is indeed handsome and handsome, and she also gives a mature and stable feeling. He is absolutely safe with him, although his eyes are not the kind of big eyes, but they are abnormal. The fascination, even the female guest present was also fascinated by his blink of an eye. After some introductions by male guests, everyone was very interested in him, but what was unexpected was that the male guest actually said a fatal problem, that is his monthly salary, when he lied to his own The monthly salary is only 5,000 yuan. When he said that his monthly salary was only 5,000 yuan, the female guests present also wiped out the lights for him, and destroyed 20 lights in succession.

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