Guo Biting was exposed to Xiang Zuo, and he was too proud of the Taizhao program.

Home >Entertainment > Guo Biting was exposed to Xiang Zuo, and he was too proud of the Taizhao program.



Guo Biting is rarely seen in everyone's sight. In the near future, he also participated in a "most beautiful time" variety show, with his father to participate, and the father and daughter get along with each other on the show. In an idol drama, Guo Biting has a very close relationship with Xiang Zuo in this program. For this reason, many netizens have said that this program wants to be more like a blind date program for two people! Guo Biting was exposed to Zuo Ai, and he was too proud of the Taizhao program.

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