Li Yapeng's new girlfriend sang in the street, high-definition exposure, Yan value and temperament to win Wong Fei

Home >Entertainment > Li Yapeng's new girlfriend sang in the street, high-definition exposure, Yan value and temperament to win Wong Fei



A few days ago, some media broke out that Li Yapeng had a new girlfriend. He also said that the woman is worth 50 billion yuan and is a female rich man. In the photos that were exposed again, Li Yapeng and his girlfriend were close to each other. Although they were a paste, they could see that the girl’s temperament was very outstanding. Many people lamented that Li Yapeng was not very good. On May 15th, Li Yapeng issued a essay on Weibo to admit his love affair, but denied that the woman was a rich man, only occasionally liked to sing, and praised the other party as an admirable independent woman. Finally, she called on the media to give them more space and respect.

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