John Wick 3 is scheduled for May 7th. This time John Wick will not only play with the dog but also meet his ex-girlfriend.

Home >Entertainment > John Wick 3 is scheduled for May 7th. This time John Wick will not only play with the dog but also meet his ex-girlfriend.



John Wick 3 was born out of two main factors: first, John Wick's life-selling performance, long legs and good life, strength and powder; second, fist-to-meat action, John Wick is handsome However, there is no idol baggage. The director abandoned all kinds of special effects and later stage, and made real play, which is simple and neat, never dragging the water, let the action scene return to the real, relying on this sincerity to impress a group of audience and get a good reputation. The first one is simply "for a dog, killing a gangster." Really single and how many dogs can look at Keanu Reeves, so single dogs are not what you want to be.

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