Huang Zitao and GAI cross-border cooperation new song "No pains, no gains" came enthusiastically, opening a new chapter of blue dream

Home >Entertainment > Huang Zitao and GAI cross-border cooperation new song "No pains, no gains" came enthusiastically, opening a new chapter of blue dream

2019-05-20 15:14:47 Views Tags:Huang Zitao , Huang Zitao's new song , Huang Zitao's "No pains , no gains"


Recently, three groups of posters for the 36 new single "No pains, no gains" by omnipotent artist Huang Zitao, who leads the C-POP super-popular singer, were officially exposed. In the first concept posters, a large area of red rushes into the eye, giving people an irresistible visual impact. The surging red symbolizes the blood and vitality, golden feathers embellish the interior, the perfect integration of strength and gentleness; full but not publicized, point-to-point design, reserved for everyone enough imagination space.

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